The PERCH announces an open call for submissions for its new issue, SOCIAL, to be published in September 2025!
The PERCH Journal is a creative arts journal with a focus on mental health themes and original voices.
Many studies have shown the significance of being social and that of social support networks in promoting wellness and recovery from mental health and substance use, as well as physical health challenges. The PERCH’s new SOCIAL issue will explore various forms of what it means to be SOCIAL in 2025! What does being social look and feel like today? How is it experienced? What does social support look like? What does the lack or loss of social support feel like? How have social networks changed or expanded? What does it mean to be in connection with others—in person or virtually? What are people doing to stay connected and counteract loneliness and isolation?
Submissions are now open for poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, artwork, virtual art, and scholarly pieces that explore the many facets of social support and its relationship to wellness and recovery. Narratives may include personal stories of seeking and finding social support, the impact of its loss, and the complex emotions tied to support systems.
Submissions should reflect the diverse ways social support takes shape—including friendships, relationships, mentorship, peer support, support groups, community, and social media. Pieces with specific, unexpected, or unconventional perspectives are especially encouraged.
This is a peer-reviewed open call, and all are welcome to submit! The deadline for submissions is March 30, 2025.
For more details and to sign up
Junction Vancouver – March 2025 Program calendars
Learn MoreTo see up-to-date VCH Peer Employee opportunities please use this search link:
Learn MorePeer Support Worker Contract with Vancouver Junction at Vancouver Coastal Health
Start: ASAP
Duration of Placement: 6-month initial contract with potential to renew
Pay and Hours: $23.00 per hour, up to 40 hours per month