Updated Family Resource Guide (Sept 2023)
Mental Health and Substance Use Services
Family Resources
Support Groups, Counselling, Education Resources, etc.
Published by the Family Support and Involvement (FSI) Team, Mental Health & Substance Use Services (MHSU), Vancouver Coastal Health
The FSI team provides families with information, education, referrals, and supports; engages families so that their voice is heard throughout the MHSU system; and supports MHSU staff in involving and engaging families.
Sean Ford,
Consumer & Family Support and Involvement,
Vancouver MHSU Acute (Segal Building);
Jennifer Glasgow, Manager,
Family Support & Involvement;
(604) 266-6124;
*Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of resources as community resources are constantly evolving. Please call ahead to any resource to ensure their services are still current. This is particularly important during the COVID-19 emergency, when many resources are either not available or available in different formats and at different times.
Updated 2023 by Family Support & Involvement Team, VCH
(up-to-date version can be found on https://spotlightonmentalhealth.com/family-involvement/, point #9)