Survey – Mental Health and Substance Use Supported Housing

Mental Health & Substance Use
Supported Housing Program Survey
“VCH’s Mental Health & Substance Use (MHSU) Supported Housing Program is interested in your feedback as part of an analysis related to gaps in our current continuum of MHSU health-supported housing in Vancouver. We have drafted a brief questionnaire we hope will help us gather information that will allow us to more strategically plan and prioritize investments in the future. The link below will take you to this questionnaire which should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
This survey closes on Apr 12, 2024
Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6F79BFM
Background and purpose of the survey
There is a common understanding across a range of interested and affected parties that gaps exist within the continuum of supportive housing in the City of Vancouver. More specifically, the current spectrum of VCH’s Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) health-supported housing – defined for the purposes of this work as housing with dedicated clinical health supports (either on site or through in-reach) – is not sufficient to meet demand.
VCH is seeking to better quantify, understand, and articulate these gaps, in order to help prioritize efforts to address them. This work will consider both those who are unable to access current health-supported housing models (not enough housing) and those who are not being successfully housed within the current housing continuum (not the right kind of housing).
The goal of this questionnaire is to gather feedback on gaps in MHSU health-supported housing in the City of Vancouver that will help inform planning, strategic direction, future investments and partnership development.”