Pro Bono Legal Advice – Mental Health Act

Are you certified under the mental health act? Do you need free legal advice?
Access Pro Bono offers free legal advice appointments over the phone to people detained under the Mental Health Act and/or to their relatives thought its Mental Health Program Telephone Clinic.
The lawyers volunteering with this program provide free legal advice over the phone for up to 30 minutes on the following topics:
- What it means to be certified under the Mental Health Act.
- Right to a second opinion.
- How to apply for a review panel.
- Legal test and procedure at review panel hearings.
- Consequences of cancelling vs. postponing a hearing.
- How to prepare for a hearing.
To book and appointment, please call 604.482.3195 ext. 1500 (toll –free number: 1.877.762.6664 and dial immediately 1500). We can usually book and appointment within three business days.
Please note that the volunteers answering this line are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice over the phone. They simply assist with the booking process.
When you call 604.482.3195 ext. 1500 or 1.877.762.6664 ext. 1500, if no one picks up, please leave a voicemail indicating the following information:
- Your name; and
- How we can reach you (e.g. your phone number, the ward’s number, or at least the name of the facility and ward).
Once your appointment is booked, a lawyer will call you back on the day and time of your telephone clinic and advice you on your rights under the Mental Health Act.