Heading off for the First Canadian National Conference on Peer Support

Hello all,
Just a quick note. I’m up at 5:30 am today packing a few last minute things then heading to the airport to fly from Vancouver to Halifax for the first Canadian National Conference on Peer Support organized by Peer Support Accreditation and Certification Canada (PSACC). I tend to find conferences pretty tiring, but my plan is to blog about it here, so if your interested, stay posted.
For those of you on Twitter, I’m going to tweet about it also. I’m told the hashtag to use is #ncps2014.
We had a researcher, Seema Shah, do a follow up survey with our Peer Support Training Alumni with folks who graduated between 2007 and 2012. I’ll be presenting on that with her and one of our training grads and Peer Support Workers, Tracy Windsor. Wish us luck!