CIF Projects

The Consumer Initiative Fund (CIF) provides funding for projects that allow the community to connect with peers in a safe and welcoming environment.

About Projects

CIF projects are proposed, developed and led by people with lived/living experience of mental health and/or substance use challenges (peers).

These projects allow peers to take the expertise they have acquired through lived experience, identify activities that could benefit their community, and then bring their vision into reality.

CIF Call for Proposals
Deadline: April 15

Have an idea for a community project?
Submit a written proposal for an opportunity to receive funding!

What does a CIF Project Look Like?

Some past projects include:

Creative Workshops

Autobiographical Writing

Community Groups

Ted Talks Discussion Group
Tour Vancouver
Community Kitchen
Cinema Nights
Heroes from Home
Exercise/Movement Groups
Exploring Spirituality Workbook

How Can I Benefit?


CIF projects offer a valuable service to the community, and the public can take part in project activities for free. Participation in this initiative fosters inclusion and community integration while decreasing isolation. Participants can also take inspiration from seeing peers in action.

Project Leaders

For project leaders and assistants, CIF projects provide an opportunity for personal growth. It can involve learning how to do new things such as booking venues, monitoring an ongoing budget, registering participants, and navigating obstacles that may arise along the way.

Build Capacity

Taking part in project activities can support recovery, whether it is developing an artistic skill, gaining inspiration from peers, or building confidence through group discussions. For project leaders, skills like problem-solving, managing finances, interpersonal communication, and leadership can really stay with an individual long after a project has ended. Participants and project leaders alike can apply these skills to other work or life opportunities in the future.

CIF Forms for Project Leaders

Fees for Service RequestAn invoice to bill for hours worked – Project Leaders & Assistants submit monthly Download
Time SheetA record of hours worked – Project Leaders & Assistants submit monthly Download
Receipt SummaryAn invoice to reimburse for expenses – Project Leader submits monthly with receipts Download
AttendanceProject Leader submits monthly Download
Participant Feedback FormProvide to participants to complete at their last session. Forms can be collected by project leader or sent directly to CIF Coordinator Download