Circles of Support for Loved Ones of Prisoners

A support group for those with incarcerated loved ones
What: A non-profit support group coordinated by volunteers that is run through the John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of B.C.
Who: Family members, friends, and loved ones of people who have come into contact with the criminal justice system are welcome to come and share information ask questions, talk and support each other
Where: This group meets in the community twice monthly on Tuesdays – on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in Vancouver and on the 3rd Tuesday in Surrey. Meetings are held in a warm space that will include refreshments, guest speakers, special events, information, resources and support for all who participate
How: This group provides a space to meet with others who are experiencing similar circumstances. There is a confidential email address for group members to RSVP, make inquiries or make suggestions regarding specific topics they would like to discuss. Emails are read and responded to by the facilitator and efforts are made to address all inquiries in a timely manner.
Why: The impact of incarceration and conflict with the law extends further than just to those who are involved with the criminal justice system. Loved ones are often left with questions and may have difficulty finding answers as they do not always fit into the categories of “victim” and “offender”. there is a gap in services, resources, and information for loved ones of incarcerated individuals. This group seeks to address this gap by allowing a safe space for sharing information and resources and providing an opportunity for peer-to-peer support from others who maybe encountering similar experiences. Family members also play an important role in supporting their loved ones through reintegration and rehabilitation and thus contribute to safer and healthier communities for everyone
For more information or to find out how to participate please contact the John Howard Society Community Services Office at 604-872-5471 ext 222 or email the Group Facilitator at circles@jhslmbc.ca