Adventures in Short Film Writing – starting Feb 22, 2023

Adventures in Short Film Writing… A Beginners Guide
Do you have an interest in film but don’t know where to start?
Join our peer led Zoom group on the fundamentals of short film writing. This is a 7 week workshop and together we will learn to develop a story, characters, learn structure and write a draft of a short film.
We welcome people from the mental health and/or substance use community.
Wednesdays at 3pm starting Feb 22, 2023
To register, contact Ana at: upagainstamountain@gmail.com
Workshop Start Dates:
February 22
April 12
May 24
July 12
August 30
October 18
December 6 (Q&A Sessions)
This is a peer-led project funded by the Consumer Initiative Fund (CIF).