Lived Experience Advisory Network (LEAN)

Come Join Us! As a member of the LEAN you will be kept up to date about Vancouver Mental Health and Substance Use Services advisory opportunities, program developments and initiatives.

Who should join?

The goal of LEAN is to represent the diverse voices of Vancouver residents who access, or have accessed, our services.  We encourage the involvement of folks who self-identify as people with lived/living experience of mental health and substance use issues (PWLLE) and recognize that many of us have intersecting identities as well.

Everyone is welcome.

LEAN opportunities include:

  • Consulting on various projects within Vancouver Mental Health and Substance Use Services
  • Learning about developments in services through guest speakers and information sharing
  • Joining working groups and sub-committees of interest
  • Participating in interview panels for hiring new staff

Am I eligible to join?

We serve the city of Vancouver so if you have accessed services here you’d be a great fit. We  also welcome individuals with other relevant lived experiences.

What is the commitment?

Currently LEAN is a virtual concept and in the recruiting stages. Initial connection will be through a list serve, bulletins and special events organized by the Vancouver Consumer Involvement and Initiatives (CI&I)Program.

How do I apply?

We’d like to get to know you and have prepared a few questions for you to answer. Click here to access the on-line application.


Have questions?

Please email

VCH Mental Health and Substance Use Guidelines for Advisor Involvement and Compensation

The aim of this guide is to:

  1. Recognize the importance of, and commitment to, advisor engagement within Vancouver MHSU services.
  2. Clarify where and how advisors will participate in Vancouver MHSU services.

CLICK HERE to see guide

Ready to get involved with LEAN?