Further Team Activities & Initiatives (issue 6)

Issue 6 of On Our Way: Recovery News continues reporting on team activities and initiatives.Our last issue featured a cover story about South Team’s Recovery Pathway. This issue continues the exploration of what is happening at the teams with a look at Recovery at the Northeast Team, a team with an active Consumer Advisory Committee and many other recovery oriented projects and programs. As well, there is an article about Jude Swanson’s experience facilitating the Your Recovery Journey Program at Strathcona Team, an article on the Recovery Dialogues, “Things that Make us Strong,” by one of the participants, the “Ask Dr. Bennington- Davis” column and, of course, the “Perspectives Pages”. We’ve also added an introduction to the Recovery Advisory Committee and plan to include updates on its work as a regular feature of this newsletter.
As always, we welcome your articles, letters and ideas on topics related to recovery. Please send to renea.mohammed@vch.ca. Happy reading!