BC Hearing Voices Showcase – Saturday, Mar. 23, 2024

Sent on behalf of the BC Hearing Voices Network
BC Hearing Voices Showcase
Saturday, March 23, 2024
11:45 AM – 3:15 PM
Gordon Neighbourhood House
(1019 Broughton St, Vancouver, BC)
To our valued members of the community,
We’d like to invite you to BC Hearing Voices Showcase on Saturday, March 23!
Join us for an evening of sharing stores, experiences, and breaking the stigma around mental health. We aim to exemplify the life and excellence within this space in a celebratory and educational day of community awareness. The event will also include food, music, and a screening of the film Crazywise.
Admission is by donation with all proceeds going the the BC Hearing Voices Network.
We are also looking for community members who’ve had lived experiences, or those close to people who have, who’d like to share their stories and be involved in the Showcase!
We’re open to many ways of participating, be it with a booth, or on stage! Here are some examples:
- Showcasing and speaking about your literature
- Showcasing artwork
- Speeches about your lived experiences
- Spoken word poetry
- Talent Showcases
- “Ask me anything” tables for community members
We’re open to other ideas as well! Simply inform us of how you’d like to be. Spots fill up on a rolling basis, but please let us know if/how you’d like to participate by Mar 14th.
Feel free to volunteer with set up, take down, and other logistics too! If interested, please email kwong@bchvn.ca.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your dazzling contributions!